Affidavit of Knowing

Affidavit of Knowing (AoK) Instructions

  1. Digitally signing this AoK constitutes a private common law contract with OYS Trust.
  2. Provide your country, state, full name, and signature.
  3. Please read and understand all terms & condition of this contract.

What's an AoK (Affidavit of Knowing)?

AoK stands for Affidavit of Knowing. An affidavit is a written statement that is sworn to be true by the affiant (woman/man who signs it). It is an oath. Signing an AoK is just like swearing in court that you will tell the whole truth and your word is your bond.

By signing the OYS AoK, you are swearing that you are a competent individual who takes responsibility for their actions, will abide by the OYS terms and conditions, and comply with all conditions to support the integrity of the mission.

OYS Trust Organization

A Private Based Organization

An Unincorporated Religious Based and Charitable Society

Operating pursuant to and in the nature of private international law


OYS Trust (hereafter referred to as “Association”) operates pursuant to “free will” and therefore connotes the freedom to contract unrestricted and unhampered by governmental interference. Association and its patrons and/or its assigns both recognize that “consensus facit jus”, consent makes law, or in other words your agreement gives force to the law form to which you agree.

It is the intent of this document to positively communicate to the intended patron, or client, that the subsequent contract service hereby provided is to be conducted outside, separate and apart from any State, or Federal, or International governmental structure, municipality, or subdivision therein, corporate or otherwise, commerce and that Association is separate and apart from said structures. Therefore, by signing and subscribing to this document where commercial benefits are accepted, being outside the governmental structure whereby human beings are unalienable, it is recognized that all women and men are created equal by their Creator. This affidavit is drawn pursuant to the “Law of Nations'', which recognizes that no woman or man or entity can place another into involuntary bondage/servitude. Patron, or Client, hereby formally agrees and contracts freely with the Association.

The word “Client” indicates a lack of competence in reference to the subscriber and may be incorrect, whereas the term Patron indicates competence and support. A Patron of this Association is a person honored as a special guardian and protector of the Association. It is imperative that the patron understands that the Association does not do business with the public. It is the intent of this affidavit to positively convey that information to the prospective patron. Association does business privately and does not include the public in its contracts. Association will only accept payment in substance accompanied with whatever other acceptable marketplace current legal tender is available.

Any disputes between the Association and its patrons that cannot be resolved will be resolved by a binding arbitration by an independent arbitrator. The penalty for invoking police power of the State with the Association outside of binding arbitration is termination of membership and all rights therein.

It is important for Patrons to understand these are the Terms and Conditions regarding patronage in the Association. The undersigned (referred to herein as “Patron” guardian and protector) hereby acknowledges the following:

  1. Patron affirms that they are of sound and clear mind and will operate all interactions with the Association with integrity.
  2. Patron desires to engage in teachings, practices, and communications related to bodily sovereignty, health freedom, radical healing, and psychospiritual integration offered by the Association.
  3. Patron understands that Association’s materials will not be duplicated, disseminated, distributed, posted or otherwise transmitted online or in any other manner without the express, prior written approval of Association. Any such unauthorized use of the materials may subject Patron to an action for common law copyright infringement.
  4. Patron acknowledges that personal responsibility and empowerment, radical inquiry into the nature of truth, and the transformation of victim consciousness are the backbone of the belief system espoused by the Association.
  5. Patron acknowledges the body’s innate regenerative capacity and the deeply personal meaning of each living man or woman’s spiritual journey of embodiment.
  6. Patron acknowledges that criticism, blaming, negativity, entitlement, fearmongering, violence, complaining, and threats are not welcome in this Association.
  7. Patron acknowledges that he/she has carefully read this Affidavit of Knowing and that Patron fully understands and agrees with the terms and conditions hereof.

Thank you for honoring the mission of the Association. The consequences of failing to honor these terms and conditions may result in probationary action, binding arbitration, and/or termination of patronage and further contact with the Association.

I affirm under penalty of perjury that this Affidavit is true and correct and done so in good faith as to comply with the Law to the very best of my knowledge; and,